Of these times and times to come...

There is a very good chance that starting with the Millennial generation, the human species will know significantly increased life spans. Thanks to CRISPR genetic engineering, the cure for many forms of cancer are realistically on the horizon. The other side of the coin is that without basic international protocol and enforceable law, it is not a scientifically large step to genetic manipulation for nefarious reasons, and a large (backward) step morally. Artificial Intelligence (as now known) is already providing quite useful benefit to semi-autonomous weapon technology and Swarm systems.

We are entering the era of what I call the Coming Age of Weaponized Earth (every time I write that I think of “The Raven” from Edgar Allen Poe).

The Brave New World is here; how will Human Society deal with it? Unfortunately, recent history to present time does not provide a pleasant road map of future decisions.

Yet, in all the backward steps we seem to be taking as Humanity - as witnessed by mass digital, cable, and broadcast media easily manipulated by those without allegiance to truth and factual evidence - we share an important common sharing experience, perhaps one of the last, in the realm of motion picture and streaming media entertainment.



10 Women in Science and Tech Who Should Be Household Names


“Cohl Furey’s work is so complex it’s difficult to describe, but her research has implications for the very building blocks of reality. Furey is obsessed with figuring out the mathematical laws of nature. Her discoveries challenge the standard model of particle physics, revealing how octonions—eight-dimensional numbers with special properties—could be at the heart of how atoms hold together. Furey’s work builds on decades of research and seems to confirm widely held suspicions in the field about the relationship between pure math and physics. Now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge, Furey could change our under¬standing of how the world works.”

Cohl Furey, a mathematical physicist at the University of Cambridge, is finding links between the standard model of particle physics and octonions, numbers whose multiplication rules are encoded in a triangular diagram called the Fano plane.

Cohl Furey, a mathematical physicist at the University of Cambridge, is finding links between the standard model of particle physics and octonions, numbers whose multiplication rules are encoded in a triangular diagram called the Fano plane.