1. All human beings collectively; the human race; humankind.
2. The quality or condition of being human; human nature.
3. The quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence.
The vast expanse of Space, Time, Reality, and the Human Condition.
Feature Films and Series. Thought-provoking concepts researched from the beginning of this millennium. Lovingly researched over the many years through an array of reputable sources ranging through leading edge Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
Every minute of every day of every year: Choice.
Yet, in all that truly is real…
How does humanity choose to define our core goodness?
And, how do we recognize it?
How do we share in what it means to be good? And, how do we express it?
Free Will; the choices of Humanity, and the consequences.
The billions of human beings who currently inhabit our single planet yearn to be inspired by 'the ties that bind'; the goodness of human nature and the wondrously special, incredibly diverse nature of our common humanity. Cheering on or weeping for; we engage for the side of great good against great evil. Along this journey of shared humanity, the dawning realization: We are all travelers on the road of amazing discovery, awesome inspiration, chilling trial...and hope.
In the coming seasons of emergent time; from creative biological engineering to synthetic intelligence and the Coming Age of Weaponized Earth, new Discovery involves a singular moral choice: To create for the good of humanity and fight for the “better angels” of human nature, or, succumb to darkness and corruption of the human spirit.
What if…during our shared journey of the global audience we looked at the Stars in wonder, curiosity, and inspiration?
And, we are each a hero in our heart, if we choose to be. That the “better angels”; the radiant goodness of our magnificent, immutable human spirit and marvelously distinct human nature never left us…as we fight the good fight.
Our human journey and how we choose to define and defend humanity as science marches on amid great danger to humanity - both known and unknown.
Our Journey of Moments; captivating and inspiring us into this decade, and beyond.
In this Reality.
Think higher, feel deeper.
― Elie Wiesel